Frozen Banana Ice Cream


This healthy, dairy free “ice cream” is easy, fast and delicious, just the way we like it..I think it’s the perfect solution for late night ice cream cravings, and it will leave you guilt-free:)


2 frozen bananas (peeled first then frozen)

1/16-1/8 cup water

Serves 2

Optional ideas

1 teaspoon raw cacao powder or organic chocolate syrup

Raw honey or maple syrup-1 tsp to 1tbsp depending on how sweet you like it

Almond butter-1 tbsp

Using a Cuisinart or blender, add frozen bananas and a touch of water to get it to spin. Do not overdue water.

You can add extra natural sweetener like honey, coconut syrup or maple syrup but you don’t need to.

Cacao powder, organic chocolate syrup or peanut butter is another variation.