Your Success, Your Health

Holli with Bike 600 x 800

They often go hand in hand…success and good health…and lately I’ve been ultra focused on both. I’ve been meeting some extraordinarily successful people, working in New York, and Washington, DC.

And I’ve learned that it’s not just about food, or fitness, or sleep. It’s about all of these things.

It’s about how you live your life each day. And I’ve been observing some common behaviors in these busy leaders that I wanted to share with you here.

To help YOU to become the best you possible. It’s holistic, all encompassing, and it takes focus.

Ready? Here’s what those healthy success stories do, each day.

1) They move, almost every day.
Everyone works out, in some way. Run, bike, climb, barre, yoga. It really doesn’t matter what you do, just do something you enjoy. New York and DC are extremely active towns, and they inspire me to do more.
Make this your summer of movement, it’s the perfect time of year to start.

2) They are conscious eaters.

Notice I don’t say “healthy”. They eat well, some better than others, but they are conscious of making good choices, for the most part.
They have occasional indulgences, occasional cocktails or wine, but not every day. Getting up early to work out or run along the canal, or reservoir, doesn’t support nightly booze.
They limit or avoid sugar (desserts), and they limit processed carbs (pasta, bread). They choose organic when possible. They eat their veggies (Kale salad, anyone?).

3) They watch their sleep.
Some of these success stories like to slide by with 6 hours, but you and I know that 7 or 8 plus is what’s called for.
Have you read Arianna Huffington’s new book? The Sleep Revolution is on my must read list for you this summer!

4) They have friends, they’re social.
What good is sitting alone in your room? Go hear the music play!
Successful people have networks of friends, and they treat them well. Connect in, help others out, and mentor. Stay in touch, return calls, emails, and follow through.
Love and connection add to your holistic health in ways that cannot be measured.

5) They know when to chill.
Relaxation and taking time for yourself is a key factor to healthy success. Meditation, music, or just reading a great book all play into down time. And the success stories I’m talking about all know how to unwind.
Be sure to take that vacation, lie down on a beach or climb a mountain, whatever does it for you. But the most successful people I know take the best vacations…and always have.

What about you? What are your healthy secrets to success?