Chocolate Chia Pudding

If you were around in the 80′s, you might remember the Chia Pet and the commercial jingle, Ch, Ch, Ch, Chia! It played over and over. 

What we didn’t know then was that chia was and is a superfood and a unique blend of protein, essential fats, fiber, complex carbohydrates, and antioxidants. Wow!

Chia contains heart healthy EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) and is 62% Omega-3. It helps to stabilize your blood sugar, and the high fiber content can help reduce your cravings. Those balanced EFA’s also benefit your brain power and elevate your mood. And it’s a high quality protein that’s gluten free.

So, what do you do with this tiny wonder seed? Chia seeds swell in liquid, so think of them as a tiny tapioca.. Add them to your smoothie for extra creaminess, or sprinkle them dry on your salad. I’ve been making a Chocolate Chia Pudding that’s delicious and my entire family loves.

Here’s that simple recipe.

Chocolate Chia Pudding

1/2 cup Chia seeds
2 cups almond milk
15 drops vanilla creme stevia OR 3 tbsp coconut sugar (also known as palm sugar)
1 teaspoon raw cacao
cinnamon- several shakes

Add all ingredients to a large mason jar with a lid, and shake.
Cover and refrigerate for minimum one hour.
If you don’t have a jar large enough, use a glass bowl and stir until all powder have mixed in. Cover and refrigerate.

Let me know how you love it below, or share your variation on this easy treat.