Cool as a cucumber


Last summer, my friend, Dielle,  grew so many cucumbers that she was giving them away in trash bags. I was her biggest taker.

Honey, what do you ever do with all of them?  She’d laugh as she handed me a huge, bulging bag.

Almost everything!  And here’s why.

Cucumbers contain 95% water, so they’re naturally hydrating to your entire body, including your skin.  But they also contain anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties which makes them really interesting in my book.

They’re high in vitamins K, C, B, and more, and contain essential minerals like potassium and magnesium. And silica contributes to your joint health, while the lignans in cucumbers have been indicated in preventing cancer. Sounds pretty good, right?

Here are some of my favorite ways.

1) De-puff your eyes
Cucumbers can help to repair and soothe sunkissed skin,  containing moisturizing silica. I just read that Madonna puts cucumber slices on her eyes every morning when she wakes up. Who knows what Madge really does to maintain that gorgeous skin, but I do this all the time, and I can tell you it works. I’ve been saved by this old-school trick more than a few times.

2) Savor the juice
Cucumbers are easy to juice, and cucumber juice is one of my favorites for recovering after sports or a hot summer day. The naturally occurring antioxidants help to rehydrate you, in a delicious way. Here’s a favorite recipe for Liquid Gold Cucumber Juice.

3) Create a soup
Dinner party coming up? This raw, Modern Vegan cucumber and tomato soup will do just the trick. Paired with phytonutrient rich tomatoes from the garden, you’ll have an ideal summer meal. Add a salad, and grilled chicken for the Healthy Omnivores, and you’re ready to entertain.

4) Decorate your water
For those of us who like to add flavor to our water, cucumber is one of the best choices because of all the above. And the flavor is so subtle, elegant, and well, classy..

5) Pretend it’s a cracker
Wonder how to create fun passed appetizers that are not gooey pastry puffs? Top a cucumber slice with any of the following things. Not only are the delicious and light, so your guests will eat them, but they’re so pretty to look at.

A square of wild smoked salmon, and a small teeny dot of cream freche with a baby sprig of chive. The organic kind of course.

A teaspoon of  hummus, sprinkled with cayenne pepper for garnish and a teeny green sprig of chive.

Your homemade vegan pate and a tiny bit of green herb; cilantro, parsley or chives. Grab that recipe here.

And you, cucumber loving reader, what do you do with your abundance of cukes? Tell me, below.