Meet Holli Thompson
I wish I could tell you that my health transformation was swift and sudden. It wasn’t.
It was a process of learning, self discovery, a team of experts, and most importantly, tapping into my own intuition. And then paying attention to what I learned.
You see, despite my vast collection of books on healthy cooking, organic farm to table, mind-body balance, nutritional theories—and every new diet book imaginable—I spent part of my adult life in a painful cycle of searing migraines, unexplained allergies, inflammation, a somewhat compromised immune system, and sadly, a few miscarriages.
I had stepped away from an executive-level career in high fashion—and left my then city-love, NYC, to find that this sudden move exaggerated my low grade symptoms into a full blown problem. And not a great way to begin a new life and marriage!
Several years later, (oh, yes, it took me that long) I devoted myself to a sequence of systematic re-education: culinary school, nutritional education, more nutritional training…and lots of trial and error. Piece by piece, meal by meal, I learned to attune to my body’s natural signals, and respond with loving attention.
And the thing is, I know you can too.
Designing a Nutritional Style™ that truly suits your life takes time, persistence, and yes—passion. But the gorgeous news is that you’ll look (and feel) more vibrant, more YOU, with every step.
I share my philosophy about your health, nutrition and food here. Through my blog, private consults and public appearances, I’m here to support you along the way.

PS. And if you’re curious to know what it’s like working with me, ask away! My most popular inquires are answered, here. And if you don’t find what you need there, email me.
Professional Bio
I'm a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Certified Natural Health Professional. I'm also a Myers Briggs Certified Practitioner.
I attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, studying dietary theories, contemporary health issues and topics, and Eastern and Western nutrition. At IIN, I had the pleasure of engaging with some of the top professionals in the Nutrition field, such as Dr. Mark Hyman, Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Katz of Yale University (read Dr. Katz’s endorsement of my work here).
Additionally, I attended the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food and Health in New York City. It was here where I indulged my love for cooking and learning – while becoming a raw food chef.
Earning a certification in Plant Based Nutrition with Dr. T. Colin Campbell through the T. Colin Campbell Foundation of Cornell University, I continued the program at the National Association of Certified Natural Health Practitioners, affiliated with Trinity College.
Degrees, Studies, Certifications
Bachelor of Arts / Rutgers College of Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Certified Holistic Health Coach / Institute for Integrative Nutrition, New York City
Certified Natural Health Professional / National Association of Certified Natural Health Professionals
Plant-based Nutrition and Diseases of Affluence / T. Colin Campbell Foundation, Cornell University
Certificate in Holistic Health Coaching / Purchase College, SUNY
Certified Myers-Briggs Practitioner / The Myers & Briggs Foundation
Awards and Commendations
Health Leadership Award, 2012, Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Annie Award, 2010, Less Cancer
Directorships, Boards
Washington, D.C. Performing Arts Society, (WPAS) Music in the Country Program
The Presidents Committee for Arts and Humanities; Children at Risk Task Force, The White House, Washington, D.C.
The John S. Mosby Cultural Heritage Area, Middleburg, VA.
National Association of Certified Natural Health Professionals
American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP)
Conservation International Women’s Committee
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)
Virginia League of Conservation Voters
Piedmont Environmental Council of Virginia