Coco-Berry Smoothie

I made this recently with local strawberries that actually smelled like strawberries. It was pretty exciting, this distant memory from childhood. Have you noticed that strawberries in the grocery store don’t smell anymore?

I don’t always have fruit for breakfast, but chocolate is another story. I decided that I needed a boost that raw cacao gives, so I added that too, sort of like a chocolate bar with berries.

The coconut butter I used here is Artesia brand, and has the pulp mixed in with the oil so that it becomes something I could eat with a spoon, straight from the jar. I resisted and put it in my smoothie instead (ok, I licked the spoon).

I added chia because I love my chia for all it’s anti-inflammatory glory, and the way it thickens my smoothies if I let it sit for just a minute or two before drinking down.

I splurged again on a half banana. I try to go easy on sweet fruits, so between this and the medjool dates I added for sweetness, this was turning into a guilty pleasure.

If you’re avoiding sugars, take out the banana and dates and add in some Stevia and a quarter of an avocado; the coconut flavors and the berries really are sweet enough.

This morning’s smoothie was high in antioxidants, healthy fats to satisfy my hunger, and some good quality protein to keep my energy strong throughout the morning. Oh and I shared it too. I called the husband and son to taste.

Blend and serve