Guest Blogger: Liz Dialto’s Almond Milk

Guest Blogger Liz Dialto is a fitness guru with bi-coastal clients and a big smile. She gets the importance of food as fuel, and I just love her. Meet my friend, Liz, and her recipe for non-dairy milk that she shares with her tribe.
1. Soak 1 cup of almonds or cashews for at least 8 hours up to 24.

If you’re feeling really crazy, you can even go halfsies and mix the two!

All you need is enough water to cover them completely in the bowl. Then put them in the fridge.

2. Drain and rinse your soaked nuts (bonus points if you can read that without giggling a little)

3. Add nuts to blender with 5-6 cups of water and blend on high for at least 1 minute.
Blending time will vary depending on what kind of blender you use. Amount of water depends on how thick or creamy your like your milk.

OPTIONAL: If you need a sweetener you can add raw honey, or stevia to taste. A little cinnamon is also a nice touch.

4. Strain the milk to remove all the grainy stuff.

The BEST option for straining is to get an actual nut milk bag. You can order them on Amazon or get one at a health food store. Another option is to put a cheese cloth over a strainer…the combination of the two works just fine.

5. Store in mason jars, refrigerate, and enjoy!
silly orangeYou can learn more about Liz and using your body as a launch pad to get anything you want out of life at

Thanks Liz!